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All Categories
    Categories: Twill Tape, 9-12mm, Natural,

    Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton (10-50mm x 50m)

    NATURAL - high density
    Packing Size: 50m
    SKU: RX24-

    -          10mm supplied 2 x 25m rolls, wider on 50m rolls

    -          roll may include a join


    natural cotton twill tape | cotton ribbon | wholesale | manufacturer

    silver lurex edge satin | gold lurex edge satin | cotton tape | coloured cotton | black cotton | plain organza | gold lurex edge organza | silver lurex edge organza | satin and gold lurex edge organza | satin and silver lurex edge organza | petersham | black petersham wide petersham | grosgrain | taffeta | cotton twill tape | gold & silver lurex | Exotic lurex ribbon | thin lurex | iridescent ribbon | velvet ribbon

    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (10mm X 50m)
    Availability: 136 in stock
    R 76.31 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (12mm X 50m)
    Availability: 97 in stock
    R 83.72 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (16mm X 50m)
    Availability: 79 in stock
    R 99.52 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (20mm X 50m)
    Availability: 35 in stock
    R 108.88 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (25mm X 50m)
    Availability: 18 in stock
    R 122.98 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (30mm X 50m)
    Availability: 46 in stock
    R 139.75 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (35mm X 50m)
    Availability: 94 in stock
    R 174.72 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (40mm X 50m)
    Availability: 195 in stock
    R 192.21 excl VAT
    Picture of Twill Tape - NATURAL, cotton - (50mm X 50m)
    Availability: 46 in stock
    R 282.49 excl VAT

    -          10mm supplied 2 x 25m rolls, wider on 50m rolls

    -          roll may include a join


    natural cotton twill tape | cotton ribbon | wholesale | manufacturer

    silver lurex edge satin | gold lurex edge satin | cotton tape | coloured cotton | black cotton | plain organza | gold lurex edge organza | silver lurex edge organza | satin and gold lurex edge organza | satin and silver lurex edge organza | petersham | black petersham wide petersham | grosgrain | taffeta | cotton twill tape | gold & silver lurex | Exotic lurex ribbon | thin lurex | iridescent ribbon | velvet ribbon
